Logo + Marketing Campaign: 
Project: Logo designed for Refuel Fest Christian Conference 2009. Fluorescent yellow is used as the main colour to bring out God's message as the "light" in the dark. The final logo is youthful for the target group and is used throughout the conference on t-shirts, hang tags and water bottles.

Marketing materials:


Website offers information on the conference, including location, members, band info, exhibit vendors and inspiring bible scriptures. Video clips of the bands and speakers will be posted so the message can get to a larger audience. There will also be a forum area in the web for youths to get advices from the staff members and share their thoughts about God. Youths are also welcomed to post any questions regarding faith or religious matters for public viewing or as private. There is also a shopping section for visitors to purchase any gifts of the conference online. There will be an interactive page for visitors to measure how deep is their faith with tips to strengthen the relationship with God.