Branding + Campaign

Background: Play has been recognized as a critical aspect of child development. Through toys children experiment, explore, express and discover themselves. With their imagination they build a bridge with adulthood and look forward to growing up. However, the forms of playing has changed over time as technology advances. Modern toys are complex and battery-powered. Most of them have little to do with imaginations unlike the toys from the past.

 Project: Toys should be considered as a form of intangible cultural heritage. The campaign will arouse full awareness of the folk toys of the past from all over the world. It will not only be an inspiring experience for children of the new generation but also a reminiscent opportunity for adults and older generation to be involved in the act of "play" once again.

A serif typeface has been chosen and modified to suggest fun, happiness and freedom. A bright colourful scheme is used for the logotype as they are eye catching and easily recognizable.

Campaign: To promote an imaginative and inspiring learning experience from visiting Play Museum, the marketing campaign uses silhouettes of traditional toys that might be familiar to some people and new to others.

Posters and transit shelter ads are displayed across the city. To gain more attention and interaction, the public are encouraged to participate in the "tweet to play" campaign, in which by tweeting the toys that they recognize from the silhouettes or through the web, they will have a chance to win free admission and a collectible item from the gift shop.

Hopscotch vinyls are placed on the major grounds of all TTC subway station. Passengers and busy city workers will be engaged in the act of play once again.

Banners are displayed around the area of the Play Museum.

Promotional Materials: 

The announcing item is a magic cube that can be folded and unfolded in a variety of ways and will be distributed as gifts during opening event. Public will need to keep folding the cubes in order to get the message displayed to match. The cube can be very addicting.

There are buttons, hats, t-shirts and books for visitors to purchase in the gift shop. These items follow the same graphic element as the campaign. Buttons are to be sold individually. Each alphabet are graphically translated into a type of traditional toy. People can make up a phrase or a name of their choice.

Smart car with vinyl decorations are used to advertise on the street. The vehicle will look like a life size wind-up toy car.

Website offer a detailed history, story and information of the traditional toys from across the world. There are video clips of professionals to demonstrate how a certain type of toy is played. There are also fun facts, interactive games, and online gift shop for all users. Members can log in to their account to get exclusive newsletters, events notifications, discounts and occasional giftaways. There is also a community area for users to share their favourite toys. Users can also tweet about their playing moment anytime via twitter or facebook account.

Interior Signage: Major signage are made out of lego pieces and displayed internally across the museum.